Drone Video Marketing Statistics in Georgia in Between, GA
All marketing professionals know - Content is King and the KING of content is VIDEO MARKETING!
VIDEO MARKETING is cutting-edge technology which displays your brand as a forward thinking, advanced brand in Between, GA!!!
Below is a compilation of data from Internet Marketing Research Giants like: Pew Research, HubSpot, Marketing Land and Third Door Media
The four most important Video Marketing Statistics in Between, GA are:
Conversion Rates
Video Users
User Interaction

Executives look for more Information
50% of Executives look for more information after viewing a marketing video about a product/service.

Video on Landing Page
Inserting a video on a website landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%.

Video in Emails
Including a marketing video in email marketing campaigns leads to a 200-300% increase in click through rate.

YouTube Statistics
YouTube reports that mobile video consumption rises 100% every year.

Executives Visit Website
65% of Executives visit the marketer's website and 39% call a vendor after viewing a video.

After Watching a Video
After watch a video 64% of viewers are more likely to buy a product/service online.

Real Estate Listings
Real Estate listings that include a video receive over 400% more inquiries than those without a video.

Combining Video with Advertisement
Combining a video with a full page advertisement boosts engagement by 22%.

Increase Video Budget
65% of U.S. marketers plan to increase their marketing budgets to account for video.

Plan to Post a Video
22% of U.S. small businesses plan to post a video within the next 12 months.

B2B Organization Use Video
96% of B2B Organizations use video in some capacity in their marketing campaigns of which 73% report an increase in their ROI.

Marketers Use Video
87% of Online marketers use video.

Executives Watch Video at Least Once Per Week
75% of Business Executives watch work-related videos at least once per week.

Videos Helps to Make a Decision
90% of Users say that product/service videos help in the decision making process.

Video Viewers Interact
75% on Online video viewers have interacted with an Online video ad this month.

Users Recall Video
80% of users recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days.

Time Spent Watching Video
1/3 of all Online activity is spent watching video.

Consumers Trust Videos
36% of consumers trust video ads.

Consumers Share Videos
92% of mobile consumers share videos they viewed with others.

User Exposures
The average user is exposed to an average of over 32 videos per month.
Internet Video Spending in Between, GA

5.4 Billion
By 2016 it is estimated that Internet Video Ad spending will reach 5.4 billion.

Video Advertising
Video ads make up 35% of total Online ad spending.